
I guess I'll Never Give up Hope


That's right. Here I am.

Writing to you.

I hear he celebratory cries! She writes! She writes again. The wise words of Kristin are back and we are better for it!

What will she talk about today?

The new President and the flame of change he will ignite?
The changing culture we live in post Nov 4th?
How HORRIBLE it is that California is for passing Prop 8? (seriously.)
The economy and its trouble?
Earthquakes, SoCal fires, and the impending Armageddon we so obviously have headed towards us?

No. For I cannot go there tonight. Or really ever.

What I can do for you, is tell you that something is wrong. Terribly wrong.
I am on the prowl (for men, food, and sugar) and I am mentally at the place of a pre-pubesen teenager right now.
And outside of my usual crushes on Ira Glass, Ben Gibbard, Steven Colbert and Steve Carrell, I am drowning in fantasies of the men of SNL.

Bill Hader. Yes. Please.

Please tell me you watched this last weeks episode. Because there was man on man make out action, nude paintings, and great dancing. SNL is on a wave of good again. And I am happy to sail along with it.

In other news, things I think I might want to do with my life someday:

-Take an improv class (could this be because of my SNL obsession lately? maybe. could this be because I enjoy audiences watching me. Most Likely)
- Do some musical theater (shut your face, don't laugh)
- Teach abroad
- Grad School
- Work on a Cruise Line (I am now talking crazy)
- Dance every day somehow
- Become a professional wierdo (check, done)
- Write a book

You know what, my blogs lack any theme or cohesiveness. I promise I am going to get back to that someday. Writing actual pieces ... essays of sorts. Someday.


P.S. Karaoke = Amazing. I = not too shabby singing Weezer after 4 beers. Who knew?
P.S.S. RIP Papa Jerry. My grandfather passed away last week, and he will be missed.

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