
La Vida es Hermosa

Life is indeed beautiful.
I often forget.

I am content beyond belief with life right now and feel very blessed to be as happy as I am.

Sure there are some things I strive to achieve beyond where I am at right now. Of course there are other desires and needs that can be met. But we always need to grow, learn and strive. I don't think I ever want to say "YES! I am complete!" That would make for quite a boring life.
But I feel so consumed with love for so many things and people that surround me right now, I am so happy with what I am doing, with how amazing some people can be, that I can't help but radiate optimism right now.

Some people say this is a bad sign, that things are bound to go downhill.
But I think they are wrong. I think challenges await, I think adversity will arrive, but I also believe if my optimism is maintained ... I can handle the future with the correct state of mind to maintain a level of happiness. I hope you are happy. Or are trying to get there, and haven't become too jaded to give up on positivity. I think giving up is kind of lame, so to speak.

We don't get a second chance at this life, might as well spend as much as you can of it happy.

P.S. Saw Roy Disney present Rare Disney films including "Destino" (the Dali/Disney 7 min film) tonight at the Newport Film Festival ... AMAZING.
Something, after leaving Disneyland, that reinstated my love of Disney history and tradition. That made me FINALLY want to pick up a book again. Because I sure know that after giving Tour after Tour and dealing with Disney politics for awhile, I didn't want to think about any of it for awhile.

I highly recommend picking up the Destino DVD/Documentary when they release it in a few months.

Also ... I saw another film at the festival. A co-worker/friend of mine filmed 305 a You Tube short turned film done by a crew of Vanguard University friends.
Amazing to see a group of young people work together for such a fun and well done project.

P.S.S. Coachella was amazing. Roger Waters and Prince alone were worth the money spent, but Justice ... I'm From Barcelona, Portishead, among others made the weekend amazing. And of course the brilliant people I spent it with. Check out my images back at my myspace or facebook from the weekend.

Ok ... Night.

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