
Current Fixation: Bon Iver

I can't listen to much anything other than Bon Iver for the last few weeks. I bought his CD way, way, way, way, way late. But thank God I did.

I don't skip songs when I listen to this CD.
And this CD belongs in my favorite genre of music (well, aside from danceable) ... and that is the "music you listen to while driving at night" genre. It is the type of album that makes you want to fall in love and then have your heart crushed.

So, if you haven't had a chance. Check it out.

Bonus fixation: I was fixated on this a few weeks ago. But the middle sequence of this Sia video for "Some Day We'll Be Found" with the shadow puppets makes me want to direct music videos.
The song is depressingly optimistic. If that makes any sense?

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